Thursday, April 26, 2012

Friends with Fur: Harriett & Humphrey: a.a. gallagher, Photobucket Photobucket: Kindle Store

A short story about our two fur kids and how Humphrey, the older interacts with the younger, funnier bossy job...Harriett

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Friends with Fur: Staffy's Up a Tree...

Staffy's have a not so good name - not of their making...dogs are as their owners train them to be unless they have some gene design a gentle story about what curious creatures they can be!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Friends with Fur: Harriett and Humphrey

These are our fur kids who give us much pleasure, loyal friends who as a side issue make us take walks for our mutual benefit..

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Friends with Fur: My Naughty Dog Charlie: a.a. gallagher, Depositphotos 6185106-XS: Kindle Store

Charlie - our errant Ridgeback - really was the best dog in the world but she could also be very naughty. We loved her despite her inability to stay in the back yard and her sometimes greedy ways when it came to chocolate and Christmas cake! This story occurred when she decided to follow a very smartly dressed jogger on our street in the early hours of the morning.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The End of the Puritan Economy - Nana's Farm: Adrian Francis K. Clarke: Kindle Store

As the rich get richer and the poor get poorer a light is shone into the very machinations and development of this type of economy in the crafted words of Adrian Francis C. Clarke in his book Nana's Farm. A good read - so spoil yourself and enjoy these illuminating words by a good writer... a well crafted reflection of today's social monetary ills and the aged reasons behind governmental decisions to help the rich get richer and the poor poorer... and in the writer's own words there is redress, equalisation to be gained when "The farmer and his family also discover some simple alternative actions they can take which, if universally understood and adopted, would change the lives of all". Sustainability, plus our basic recognition of the enemy within; are the vital keys to making the changes necessary to end financial domination by the greedy "modern feudalists". a.a.gallagher

Monday, April 16, 2012

One Fantastic Day...

One Fantastic Day I found the means to publish my own writing - become an Indie writer - one those frowned upon would-be self published writers who have not trodden the age old beaten pathway to the publishers door. I found Kindle on Amazon and after perusing many a booklet and listening to many a webinaire I ventured onto my personal kindle boat and stuck a toe or two into the rushing waters of the great Amazon rivers of information sharing and possibly gold digging - if indeed, everything one reads is true it will be a good experience. And why wouldn't it be? I ask myself.So please be introduced to my first faltering steps into the publishing world.

One Fantastic Day I Found...

am just starting to publish on kindle and have written a few notes garnered from other more experienced writers on what "not to do" as per the TOS plus my new steps towards trying to make a living on line..hope all goes well for me and for you... cheers

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Some Things Not To Do On The KDP System!

Before reading my pearls of wisdom I need to say to you the reader, that while the following may be legally correct or even incorrect - my belief is that as a potential user of the Amazon/Kindle publishing process, you the potential author needs to check out any legal liabilities as they would relate to you. I have gleaned these tips from reading, listening to and attending many webinaires and have thought that they could be useful one way or another - however not gospel. Having explained my take on these matters here are my overall tips. 1. Never write your own reviews...may be tempting if you think that it is a good idea because you feel that no one is ever going to read your work because you have no reviews. However please do not be tempted because you may end up killing the goose that lays your golden egg. Go against the TOS and Amazon/KDP could shut your account down and never allow you to re-open it. 2. Do not be tempted to get relatives or friends to put in a good word for you in the form of a review. Guaranteed somehow, somewhere Amazon will know. 3. Do not promote your kindle link in the forums - another no-no. 4. I believe only one account is allowed per person. Need to check this out to be sure... 5. I have heard that there are review "circles" for want of a better word to describe groups that get together to review each others work on a quid pro quo basis. Not a good idea to give a good review to a less than satisfactory piece of writing - gives everyone a bad name and does not help the new writers nor is it good to rip off potential readers who buy a less than readable book or article! In fact when you think about this, these actions could lead to bad reviews being written which would totally defeat the purpose. 6. No pornography is allowed 7. No PLR or anything that can be found on another site. I have taken this to mean that when I am re-publishing my original material I am simultaneously removing it from the original site I had it on. 8. I also believe that public domain is a big no no also....although I have also heard that if you add a (particular as in set)number of original photos and your own words to the public domain work it may get pushed through. Personally I have not taken these steps because I do not want to jeopardise my account. 9. Do not use a trademarked name in the "name" of your article. I did this and found to my horror I was in trouble, however the company representative and lawyer I spoke with was most accommodating as was Amazon. The specific article was blocked and I was told that if had made any money from it (which it did) it would be paid to the company whose name I erroneously used in the article header. Luckily for me the matter rested there and my account was not closed. Phew!!! This is all for now but I will add more tips as I hear of them. cheers for now...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

OK I have sold two of my books/articles in the last 24 hours....not so bad even though I priced them at the lowest price I could - a good thing to remember is that Amazon do take a 70% royalty from my 99c. I receive 30% from each sale. However when I finally get my larger books done I will choose a bigger royalty price point which is 70% and so I will then receive a larger slice of the pie. It's all good. There is an option for you the writer, to put your book/article into the free sales option for a period of up to 5 days over a period of ninety days. This is where your writing can become well known and, have the odd review written by another amazon reviewer/user/member which means - if it is a good review of course - that dependent on the no. of stars said reviewer gives your work, you may find you have earned a few dollars from the resulting sales. I haven't worked out yet whether it is good to go for the whole five days at once or whether to use this option sparingly at an estimated 1 -2 days every month or so across the allocated 90 days. Could be that your writing exposure results in the whole cannonball fire for five days then subsistence into nothingness OR it could result in your writing causing bright shooting stars across the firmament saying " Here I Am, Here I Am" spasmodically.... Am in the process of testing this out. We all know that everyone loves free anything but the results here could be in your favour if someone reviews it favorably ......will let you know the answer from my point of view when I have enough knowledge or I could see what others think about this...
There is a spot of money in my kindle account not much - but this amount does have the ability to grow and grow and grow! And this platform gives me hope that there could be some success just around the corner. Fact is that in a far longer amount of time when I was trying - without success - to earn with adsense it took 3 months to earn the princely sum of $0.57c., while the published articles on kindle have earned me $14.41 in two weeks. I feel a enthused but the truth of the matter is that we will see what we will see.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

My faltering steps to publishing on kindle/amazon

I have now posted eight (8) kindle articles or small books if you like - up on the kindle publishing platform. Now that I vaguely know how to accomplish this it appears to me that I have now graduated from completely non-nonplussed about the actual nuts and bolts of the process to being a novice. I also found that although I bought a couple of "how to" books the final step was not included in the overall picture so dummy that I am I did not realise that the final step belonged to this Amazon site and that that is where I should have gone in the first place for the answers. Bingo - obviously the upload of the final product is completed via kindle. Now I have not managed to produce a decent cover as yet - but through the use of the Calibri library I am managing to at least present something to the world. Small steps I hope will lead to some thing fantastic..